Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Will I Burn More Fat Exercising on an Empty Stomach?

Some people like to work out first thing in the morning, which is good because it gives the body the rest of the day to recover, eat and burn calories. But when people hit the gym in the early a.m., it's usually on an empty stomach. In most cases, people grab a bottle of water; head out to the gym and reserve breakfast for when they return.

Well, while it's true that exercising on an empty stomach will burn an increased amount of fat, it will also augment the amount of muscle burned too. In order to burn fat, your body needs energy and must get it from somewhere. If your belly is empty and lacking in fuel, your body will then turn to your muscles for energy. Taking from muscles to burn fat isn't bad if you're looking to lose that muscle. But If you want to preserve your lean muscle and only burn fat, then it would be wise to put something in your stomach before you hit the cardio machines.

You don't have to eat a whole lot. Of course you want to avoid any type of stomach cramping or nausea while getting fit, so something light is ideal. For example, wake up a little earlier than usual and grab a light snack before you head out the door. Something simple like a cup of yogurt or some scrambled egg whites will give you the protein and carbohydrates you need to burn the fat, while keeping the muscles healthy.

If you don't like the idea of ingesting solid foods before an early morning workout, try making a protein shake instead. Liquids are usually easier on the stomach and don't cause cramping or other pains, but they still supply your body with the nutrients it needs to burn fat and preserve muscle.

Also, be sure to properly hydrate in the morning. Our bodies lie dormant for up to eight hours while we sleep, and we aren't getting any water. It is important to drink a couple glasses when you first wake up so that you are giving your body energy it needs to get through the workout. Dehydration can lead to dizziness and vomiting, which is the last thing you want during any workout, so stay hydrated. Take a bottle of water with you to the gym and maintain proper hydration during your workout as well.

All in all, it is important to stay hydrated and have something in your stomach before any workout if you are looking to preserve muscle. Yes, working out on an empty stomach burns more fat, but it also eats away at your muscle in order to burn that fat. Filling up with a light snack will prevent that, keeping the fat off and the muscle on.

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