Changing eating habits is the primary cause of obesity, but a sedentary lifestyle and excessive stress can also add extra pounds to the body.
Not only should you pay attention to eating, many other habits can sabotage your diet.
It is very important what and how much food one consumes during the evening meals. It’s no coincidence that dinners with too heavy, too greasy, fast-absorbing carbs and high calories are to be avoided in the late hours. In connection with the growth of extra pounds, not only is it worth paying attention to eating, there are many other evening habits that lead to lightning fast weight gain.
4 evening habits that sabotage weight loss
Lack of sleep
The long summer days, the long-lasting light, make one retire later and later. Yet persistent lack of sleep is an obstacle to dream shapes in several ways.
Research has found that sleep deprivation negatively affects not only brain function but also fat cell function, and thus the body’s metabolism. The sleep patterns of 276, 21, and 64-year-old adults were studied. They were divided into three groups, the first group slept 5-6 hours, the second 7-8, the third 9-10 hours. The research found that weight gain was also affected by too short but too long a sleep period. The former experienced a weight gain of nearly two pounds and the latter one and a half pounds.
According to another research, even a night's absence of sleep has an effect on the body's functioning. A little rest reduces insulin sensitivity by 33%, and too much insulin builds up more and more fat. Not to mention that sleep deprivation increases the level of ghrelin, or hunger hormone, in your body, so you can reach for more meaningful, nutritious foods the next day, resulting in extra calories.
Do not train before sleep!
Although in addition to proper nutrition, regular exercise also contributes to achieving your dream shape, but it matters when you work out calories. It is no longer recommended to train two to three hours before bedtime. Movement produces endorphins, which can keep you awake and thus disrupt your sleep rhythm. Spend the last few hours of the day in peace, tuning in to the evening rest.
Savory food for dinner
If dinner was too salty, the next day the scale might show more. With salty foods, the body binds water on the abdomen, the amount of which in some people can be up to two or three liters, which manifests itself in bloating and extra kilos. Be careful with processed foods, because they may contain more salt than you might think.
Skipping dinner is not an option either
Just as eating too much and too late, skipping dinner doesn’t lead to eliminating extra pounds, though it may seem logical to reduce your daily calories by skipping evening meals. By skipping dinner, you’ll go to bed with low blood sugar in the evening, and by morning you’ll be wolf-hungry and crave sweet, sugary foods. As soon as you return to dinner, the extra kilos will be immediately noticeable and the yo-yo effect will start. If you distribute the amounts of nutrients, fats, carbohydrates, proteins properly on a daily basis, you will not be left with excess by including dinner.