Monday, July 20, 2020

Why Trend Diets Will Keep You Fat?


Picture by Julia Zolotova from Pexels


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You hear almost every day about some new fad diet that will help you lose 60 pounds in 7 days. But they never work! And even if they did, your body is not designed to lose that much weight that quickly. This kind of roller coaster is both unhealthy and unsustainable for your body's health and organs.

The commercial that tries to sell on this want to makes you think that they are diets that work, but they're simply not. What they do is to lower your intake of calories to such an extent that you literally starve the body thinner.

Does this sound like healthy dieting to you? I hope not.

Without eating proper meals every day, your body's metabolism will get thrown out of sync and really slow down. This is the opposite of what you want if your goal is to lose weight. Low metabolism, low weight loss. The reason the body does this because it's getting the message that "Food is scarce". And any calories you take in will get stored because the body's job is to keep you from starving.

You need to get a minimum of 1200 calories a day. That's a minimum. Anything less than that and you're putting your health at risk.

Picture from Pixabay

Another reason that these trend or fad diets aren't diets that work is that you lose muscle tone by using them. Once your body goes into starvation mode, it will start eating away at your muscle instead of fat. Another explanation of why these trend diets aren't diets that work is the outrageous claims they make in their advertising. Lose it all without moving a muscle! While it's certainly tempting to fall for this kind of "quick fix propaganda", in truth, it's not something you can count on.

Trend diets are also different from diets that work because some of the weight loss is strictly from water weight. What does that mean?

Well, if you ask them, the majority of people who go for these trend diets spend the majority of their time in the beginning in the bathroom. Losing some of your body's water weight will be visible on the scale, but again that's only a temporary change. It won't last. And to be healthy your body needs you to drink plenty of water each day.

Trend diets aren't diets that work. Period. So don't use them. Instead go for the tried and true methods, like Weight Watchers, that has a proven track record of consistent success! That way you will reach your ideal weight in no time and feel strong, happy and enjoy the whole process.

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