Friday, March 26, 2021

Weight Loss - The Best And Worst Steps to Take to Kick Start Your Diet Plan


If you are on a healthy eating diet plan right now, there is one thing you can be sure of: there are some major do's and don'ts. Too many people get into the habit of looking at one aspect of the plan and focus on that exclusively. For instance, it might be calories, so they think about their calorie intake, and that becomes their primary focus. They look at eating low carbs, and carbohydrates become their primary focus 24 hours a day.


It is crucial you do not miss the big picture here. Take a step back and look at the best and worst steps you could take on your diet plan...

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Fitness Myths - Separating Fact From Fiction


Whether you are looking to drop 10-15 pounds of fat or add 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass, it's important to first, come to grips with some of the biggest lies/myths in the fitness industry. Otherwise, you may end up wasting your valuable time and could even damage your long-term health.


For starters, the myth/belief that muscle turns to fat is totally erroneous.


Myth 1:

Muscle never turns to fat.

They are two totally, separate types of tissue. Just as your heart is different from your liver and you wouldn't worry that it could become your liver, your muscle cannot turn into fat. It would be like watching an apple convert to orange right before your eyes. Not going to happen.


So, what does happen to someone who was once very muscular and fit but stops working out? If the muscle does not turn to fat as many believe, then why does their once fit and trim body now appear fat, flabby, and unhealthy?

Friday, March 12, 2021

Beating Belly Bulge and High Blood Pressure After 50


Most health and fitness books for seniors totally miss the mark when it comes to losing belly fat and lowering blood pressure. Almost every article and book on the shelf preaches the same approach for tummy flattening and lowering blood pressure: dieting and exercising.


I used to buy into that theory until I knew a former fitness trainee, who left my class to study yoga and Pilates. Within a few months, she went from a pretty plump to strikingly slim. When I asked her what she did, she explained that for about three months, she had practiced mostly posture and breath control. And little or no cardio.


That is when I had to take another look at my training classes. So, I re-read an old yoga book by Selvarajan Yesudian and Elizabeth Haich.


Yesudian told a story about a 40 year old lady office worker who was unable to lose weight. She had tried several exercise routines, including boxing and weight loss formulas (like laxative teas) with no results. When she approached Yesudian, he had taught her yoga breathing and how to apply it to swimming. While she was swimming, he noticed that she tended to hold her breath instead of the normal breathing pattern for the front crawl.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Ketogenic Diet: Is the Ultimate Low-Carb Diet Good for You?


These days, many of my patients have been asking approximately a ketogenic food plan. Is a ketogenic weight loss program safe? would you recommend it? notwithstanding the current hype, a ketogenic food regimen isn't always some thing new. In medicinal drug, we were using it for almost one hundred years to deal with drug-resistant epilepsy, specially in kids. within the Nineteen Seventies, Dr. Atkins popularized his very-low-carbohydrate weight loss plan for weight loss that began with a very strict-week ketogenic segment. over time, other fad diets integrated a comparable technique for weight loss.


What's a ketogenic (keto) weight loss plan?


In essence, it's far a diet that causes the frame to release ketones into the bloodstream. maximum cells choose to use blood sugar, which comes from carbohydrates, because the frame's important source of strength. in the absence of circulating blood sugar from meals, we begin breaking down saved fats into molecules called ketone bodies (the method is known as ketosis). after you reach ketosis, maximum cells will use ketone our bodies to generate strength until we start eating carbohydrates again.

5 Reasons, Dieting Works For Some, But, Not For Others!

Every day, millions of Americans, are on, some sort of weight-loss program/ diet, and, only, a small percentage of these individuals, are successful, in their quest! Why is it, effective, for a few, but most, rarely, get their desired results? Does it depend, on the specific approach, one's motivations/ reasons, based on attitude, or, some other factors, and/ or, a combination of things? This article will attempt to examine 5 reasons, this may, matter, and/ or, make a difference. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, these, and how, they may impact this process.


1. Reasons/ reasoning/ personal motivations: Often, the specific reasons, one is beginning, make a significant difference, in the potential results! If you want to take off, some pounds, etc, begin, by performing, a thorough, check-up, from the neck - up, and determine your reasoning, and personal motivations, for wanting to lose weight. Remember, you are an individual, so your motives, and reasons, must be, what's meaningful, to you, rather than an attempt to please others. Like, many things, there is a big difference, between, proceeding, because, it's important, and/ or, a personal priority, or merely, a wish!

Eat These 4 Carbohydrates To Melt Belly Fat And Build Six Pack Abs

  The most difficult area of the body to lose additional fat from is the stomach. Yet it can be done through performing the right sorts of e...