Thursday, December 31, 2020

Drinking Tea While Eating to Lose Weight


This is not new. We know the Japanese way of drinking or sipping tea while they eat, but why could we not do this?

Obesity has become a worldwide "pandemic". Factors include not eating a balanced diet and lack of exercise, but the most one we should consider serious is lack of sleep or this abnormal sleeping pattern. We tend to eat our midnight snack when hunger strikes. 

And yet, we have to work. Many of us work night shift, so there is a greater tendency we eat at midnight or during the inactive hours of our body.

Night time until dawn is when the body should be replenishing and should be flushing out the toxins accumulated in it.

Furthermore, since we sleep during the day, we find no time for exercise, so there is a big chance to develop this mild to severe obesity.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Top Health Benefits of Avocado


Sometimes referred to as an alligator pear, the health benefits of avocado, as well as its high nutrition, should make it a part of your weekly diet. The avocado is a green fruit that grows in tropical and semi-tropical areas of the world including Central America, South America, California and Florida.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

5 Foods You Should Always Have In Your Kitchen (And Some Helpful Facts About Them)

Life can get pretty busy. And a busy schedule can often lead to poor food choices like pasta or bread. It’s best to know which good-for-you foods you should always have on hand. It’s the only way to ensure that when you reach for a meal in a pinch, you’ll be getting something that will support your health. But what are the foods you should always have in your kitchen pantry?

Check out these 5 healthy foods you should always have in your kitchen or pantry. Not only are these foods tasty options, but they’re also free of lectins.


When it comes to having healthy ingredients at the ready, you want your pantry full so you can whip up healthy dishes for any occasion. Whether you load up on lectin-free vegetables or stock your kitchen with flavorful ingredients for healthy recipes, you’ll want to stock your pantry with foods that love you back.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Best Sugar Substitutes That You Can Eat And Still Lose Weight


Let’s take a look and get to know more about other, better sugar alternatives. Now, before getting too involved, remember the following substitutes are to be used only in moderation. Sweeteners, though not made of sugar, can trick your body into thinking it has eaten sugar. Therefore, you’ll start to crave more sugar. It’s a slippery slope.

Any sweet flavor — even from a “healthy” substitute like stevia — can stimulate an insulin response that hikes up your blood sugar levels and leaves you wanting more. But, when consumed in moderation, there are several sweeteners that act as a great alternative to sugar.

So, what sweetening agents can you turn to in order to continue to make, bake, and enjoy your favorite foods?

Here’s a list of several options. But remember… consume in moderation.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Chia Seeds For Weight Loss - Does It Work?


Chia seed is considered as a superfood, many diets, fitness gurus, magazines recommend it. But does it really work when it comes to weight loss? Let's discover together this native Mexican seed, both the benefits and the disadvantages. The outcome may disappoint you.

Chia seeds mean "strength" or "make strong" among the Maya. It even gave its name to the state of Chiapas (Chia River) in Mexico. There are two varieties, a clear and the black one. The color varies depending on the source of chia.

The chia seeds are a good alternative to increase our intake of essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 and to reduce appetite through a system: no more sugar cravings in the afternoon!

It contains more nutrients than many foods known

- 50% more folate than asparagus

- 15 times more magnesium than broccoli

- 1.1 times more fiber than wheat bran

- 2.5 times more protein than kidney beans

- 8 times more Omega-3 than salmon

- 3 times more iron than spinach

- 2 times more potassium than bananas

- 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries

- 6 times more calcium than milk

Eat These 4 Carbohydrates To Melt Belly Fat And Build Six Pack Abs

  The most difficult area of the body to lose additional fat from is the stomach. Yet it can be done through performing the right sorts of e...