Monday, June 29, 2020

How Lack Of Sleep Influences Weight Gain

 Sleep needs vary across ages and are especially impacted by lifestyle and health. Researchers cannot pinpoint an exact amount of sleep need by people of different ages. However, sleep requirements vary from person to person even in the same age group.

There is a big difference between the amount of sleep one can get by on and the amount one needs to function optimally. For instance, if one is able to operate on six or seven hours of sleep doesn't mean one wouldn't feel a lot better and get more done if one spends an extra hour or two in bed.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Oranges Are Much More Than Just Simple Vitamin C Sources

 Oranges have been a source of nutrition for many years. With the many people interested in improving their health, oranges have moved to the front of the line of health.

Oranges are a big source of many nutrients that can help you to stay healthy.

Vitamin C

Oranges have a lot of vitamin C that helps prevent a wide variety of conditions. From the common cold to indigestion, vitamin C helps with lowering a lot of chances of catching them. Oranges help with that mostly through the amounts of vitamin C levels. When you are conscious of your health and take vitamin C, you can prevent a lot of harmful things that can happen to your body.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Magic Pill For All Health Problems - WALKING!

 Does the heading sound cliched? Does it seem like an exaggerated statement? Perhaps you are thinking 'I know it all'. If yes, WALK up to the mirror and if it reflects the truth, come back and continue reading.

Congratulations! You have taken the first step to staying fit forever. Before we take the step ahead, it may interest you to know that brisk walking for 90 to 120 minutes a week can cure type 2 diabetes, reduces the risk of heart attack, strengthens the leg bones, keeps depression at a distance, decreases the risk of breast cancer, and frees you from many other illnesses.

If you doubt your abilities or you have a feeling of being left out while walking with seasoned walkers in the park, you can start with strolling on the pavement for a distance of five minutes from your home and then turn back. Repeat this exercise three to four times and even before you have realized it, you would have completed 30 to 40 minutes of walking.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

How To Find The Diet Program That Works For You

 Who doesn't wish for to lose weight, right?
But there is an enormous difference between 'wanting' to do something and being able to accomplish your goals!

For illustration, there are so many of people in this planet who want to lose weight and become skinny, and almost all of them have tried some form of trend diet or the other, but have all of them been triumphant in their hard work?

Short answer: No. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

5 Of The Best Fat Burning Foods To Lose Belly Fat

 Are you fed up with that bulge around the middle? Would you like to see it starting to shrink? If you would then not only do you need to be performing the right sorts of exercises but also eating the right kinds of foods. In this article we take a look what we consider to be some of the best fat burning foods to lose belly fat.


Oatmeal contains a great deal of fibre and when eating in the morning can help to get your metabolism working effectively. So burning off fat becomes a lot easier. Also being rich in fibre you will discover that you won't feel as hungry as quickly. 

However, make sure that you only eat natural oatmeal and not the flavoured varieties as they contain lots of sugar.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Monday, June 8, 2020

3 Killer Excercises That Burn Stubborn Belly Fat and Build You a Sexy Beach Body With Six Pack Abs

We all want to look good for the beach, having those six-pack abs and a lean beach body which women adore. In order for you to get that sort of body you need to start working on different types of exercises because if your reading this article then your obviously not happy with your body. You need to challenge your body with workouts and exercises which turn your body into a fat burning machine.

Picture by freepic.diller / Freepik

The 3 exercises which I'm now going to reveal will burn stubborn belly fat, build you a strong core and build you six-pack abs.


These are a great exercise that really work your core and if you do these combined in a circuit or a cross fit circuit then you will see that they are a killer workout for your abs and core.

Friday, June 5, 2020


 Most people think that simply doing sit-ups and crunches will help them to develop a great looking pair of six-pack abs. However, this simply isn't the case there are other exercises that need to be performed to help remove the fat around this area of the body. Below we take a look at what we feel are the best exercises to burn belly fat.


Of all the exercises you can perform to burn off belly fat this is the best. To perform this one you don't need any special equipment, other than a good pair of running shoes. Also, you can do it anywhere you want and at any time you want.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Why You Should Eat Red Kidney Beans

 Red in colour and shaped just like the kidneys of an animal or human, red kidney beans are commonly added to soups, stews, salads and other meals in most countries. You can buy them fresh, canned, or dried, and the nutrition they deliver means they should always be part of a healthy diet.

Nutrition facts of red kidney beans

100 grams (3.5 ounces) of boiled beans contains:

Water 67%

Calories 127

Eat These 4 Carbohydrates To Melt Belly Fat And Build Six Pack Abs

  The most difficult area of the body to lose additional fat from is the stomach. Yet it can be done through performing the right sorts of e...